Intensive Care Medicine training is hosted within the School of Anaesthesia and ICM. Critical Care training in Oxford is dynamic and fast developing. Our trainees benefit from individually tailored training. The training programme is delivered independently from anaesthetics, with a positive approach to collaboration. For further information, please see the external School of Intensive Care Medicine site.
We aim to train excellent clinicians in the largest hospital speciality. Anaesthesia is known for its focus on patient safety and quality of care. Our clinicians are able to work effectively and compassionately for patients in a wide range of contexts including: the perioperative journey, obstetrics, pain management, critical care, resuscitation, transfer medicine and beyond.
Covering a relatively small geographical area across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Wiltshire means there are close links between all our training centres. As well as having a rich history, in particular with Europe’s first independent department of anaesthesia – The Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics in Oxford – we are also innovative and forward-looking. Teams from local general hospitals have won prizes at the RCoA College Tutors Meeting in recent years for a simulation based novice training programme, setting up the first perioperative medicine module, and for a bespoke return to training programme featuring an on-site crèche.
The School is comprised of
The Head of School and Training Programme Directors.
Appointed by the Thames Valley Local Office. The Head of School works with the Local Office and the individual training departments to implement the curriculum. The Training Programme Directors organise the programme, allocate training posts, and organise ARCPs and interviews.
Education Programme Manager
A Local Office employee who makes all of the above actually happen.
Regional Adviser
This is a Royal College of Anaesthetists appointed person who is the link to the College for advice on all training matters.
College Tutors
These are appointed by the College and are in every hospital, and are there to ensure the quality of training at each hospital, including delivery of a formal education programme and exam preparation.
Separation between the Local Office and College roles provides balance and helps to “triangulate” feedback and decisions.
Educational Supervisors
Each trainee has an educational supervisor throughout their training. They work together throughout the year to ensure milestones are met and help navigate the training programme, and prepare for ARCPs.
In 2010, a group of trainees in the region set up “OXDAT” – Oxford Deanery Anaesthetic Trainees. This group has input into all areas of anaesthetic training. They have representatives in each hospital and provide feedback on the whole programme as well as individual training centres. Several of those involved in OXDAT have since gone on to educational roles within the School. We think it’s great to have trainers and trainees who are enthusiastic and motivated to make training as good as it can be. Much of our recent focus is on well-being and support.
If you are interested in the School and would like more information, please follow this link to the School of Anaesthetics external website