Courses and Conferences

The Thames Valley Centre for Workforce & Educator Development (TV CWED) organise and administer courses within the Thames Valley Region for a range of delegates: including Trainees, Educational Supervisors, Senior Managers and Allied Health Professional staff groups.

The aim is to develop a broad range of development opportunities via programmes and workshops that meet the ever-changing needs of a multi-professional and multi-cultural workforce, addressing relevant legislation changes within the healthcare setting and enabling delegates to develop both personally and professionally in their NHS career.

The range of relevant, quality-assured courses, programmes and conferences deliver a high-quality educational experience to delegates and, above all, assist with improving patient outcomes and consists of the following –

Developmental and informative events for the educator community and bespoke training for Educational and Clinical Supervisors, in line with the GMC Recognition of Trainers Implementation Plan.

1) Leadership and Management – includes dynamic, interactive and challenging programmes; designed to enhance the necessary skills to be successful in any leadership role.

2) Masterclasses – These multi-professional, interactive masterclasses provide a wealth of information and advice, and are delivered by highly experienced professionals.

Upcoming Events in 2024/2025

Coaching Skills for Medical Educators (1 day course)

In this course you will explore:

– Your conversations with trainees – do you wonder whether they could have been more effective for you and for your trainee?

– How you as an educator can be supportive, and help with problem solving, without giving all the solutions or doing all the work.

– How to liberate the expertise and independence in your trainees to help them develop the capacity to solve their own problems.

– The number 1 way to increase your impact and effectiveness both professionally and personally.

Upcoming course dates:

18/09/24 – 10.00-16.30

21/10/24 – 10.00-16.30

Brave, Big Hearted Conversations

This programme includes:

– Acknowledging and managing emotions

– Establishing the relationship – contracting conversations

– Getting the language right

– Courage and vulnerability

– Dealing with communication roadblocks

– Managing the follow up

– Relaunching the relationship

Upcoming course dates:

01/10/24 – 09.30-15.30

25/02/25 – 09.30-15.30

PSWS Learning Lunches

PSWS Learning Lunches are for all educators working with Postgraduate doctors in training. These short, interactive sessions are targeted at specific skills used when working with trainees. Each session will introduce some new ideas and provide the opportunity to discuss previous experiences and how these ideas might apply in practice.

Upcoming course dates:


PSWS Educator Peer Support Groups

Being a medical educator can be an isolated position. To address this the PSW is planning to stage a series of facilitated groups for educators. The purpose of these would be not to cover the technical aspects of training (the ePortfolio and the finer aspects of an ARCP for instance) but to share any issues about the non-technical side of training. These might include asking what others would have done, share any difficult situations, or simply to know you are not alone.

Upcoming course dates:


Inclusive Leadership in Education

– Understand you have biases and how to balance them

– Increase your understanding of diversity so you can be more inclusive

– Build racial fluency to be able to have crucial conversations

– Learn allyship tools that support you to stand for equity.

This course is suitable if you are a Consultant or SAS educational supervisor,  a GP trainer, or have other specific educational roles with doctors in training. 

Upcoming course dates:

04/11/24 – FULLY BOOKED

All of these courses can be booked direct through Accent Course Manager

NHSE South East delivers many training events each year, specifically for doctors in postgraduate training.

Upcoming Events in 2024/2025

Nuts and Bolts in Health Service Management

This online course is for senior trainees approaching the end of their clinical training. You must be available for both days to complete the course.

– 18th and 19th September 2024 10am – 12.30pm and 2pm – 4.30pm

– 30th and 31st October 2024 10am – 12.30pm and 2pm – 4.30pm

– 12th and 13th March 2025 10am – 12.30pm and 2pm – 4.30pm

IMT Procedural Skills Course

– 09/08/24 – RBH

– 27/09/24 – RBH

– 03/10/24 – MKUH

– 23/10/24 – OUH

– 11/11/24 – Wexham

– 06/03/25 – MKUH

– 18/03/25 – OUH

– 15/05/25 – Wexham

IMT Scenario Simulation Course

– 19/09/24 – MKUH

– 28/10/24 – Wexham

– 07/11/24 – MKUH

– 08/11/24 – RBH

– 12/12/24 – MKUH

– 16/01/25 – MKUH

– 13/02/25 – MKUH

– 27/03/25 AM & PM – MKUH

– 14/11/25 – RBH

IMT Med Reg Ready Course

– 08/10/24 AM & PM – OUH

– 05/02/25 AM & PM – OUH

– 17/04/25 – Wexham

– 11/07/25 – RBH

All of these courses can be booked direct through Accent Course Manager

All courses and events within NHSE South East can be booked via our online course booking management system (Accent Course Manager).

Once registered, this provides delegates with the opportunity to view course/event information, express an interest in a course or book directly onto a course event.