Gold Guide (A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Foundation and Specialty Training in the UK
(10th Edition effective from 7 August 2024)
The Gold Guide is the framework for the operational management of postgraduate foundation and specialty training. It applies to all doctors in core and specialty training (including public health non-medical trainees) and to all foundation doctors across the UK.
Enhancing Doctors’ Working Lives
The Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives programme was established in March 2016, to address a range of issues that were having a significant negative impact on the quality of life of doctors in training. Find out more here.
Whistleblowing – Third party right for Resident Doctors
In 2016 former HEE extended whistleblowing protection for junior doctors (now known as Resident Doctors), providing a new legal route directly against HEE (now NHSE), if required, for resident doctors who raise concerns and believe that NHSE has caused detriment to them as a consequence. More information can be found here
Complaints about training programmes (for resident doctors)
We hope our doctors feel able to raise any concerns or complaints about their training directly with the relevant team or individual (e.g. the Head of School or Educational Supervisor) however we do have a formal complaints policy available. More details including how to submit a formal complaint can be found here. Our contact email address for formal complaints is
Educational Supervisor Policy
We have updated our Educator Supervisor policy, as of January 2025.
NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
The first comprehensive workforce plan for the NHS, putting staffing on a sustainable footing and improving patient care. It focuses on retaining existing talent and making the best use of new technology alongside the biggest recruitment drive in health service history.
How NHSE handles your data
NHSE’s role is to improve the quality of healthcare for the people and patients of England through education, training and lifelong development of staff and appropriate planning of the workforce required to deliver healthcare services in England.
To carry out this role we are required to collect, process and in some cases share your personal data.
In connection with training, NHSE collects and uses your personal information for the following purposes
To manage your training and programme
To quality assure training programmes and ensure that standards are maintained
To identify workforce planning targets
To maintain patient safety through the management of performance concerns
To comply with legal and regulatory responsibilities including revalidation
To contact you about training opportunities, events, surveys and information that may be of interest to you
For full details of how your data is handled including your rights please see the Gold Guide Privacy Notice (GG10 Appendix 6)