It is your responsibility to ensure you have submitted the following evidence in accordance with the deadline specified in your ARCP notification email:
Form R (Parts A and B) – Online Submission
From 1 October 2022 Form R’s for Specialty and GP doctors in training in Thames Valley training programmes are to be completed via the Trainee Information Self Service Portal. Please read through the email and guidance that you are sent by your Programme Team ahead of your ARCP. Foundation doctors in training are the exception to this rule as they are required to use the Form R that is available on the Horus E-portfolio.
Key points
You will need to set up an account including Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
You will be able to view your personal information, programme and placement information
The Form R will pull through the majority of the required information automatically but you can edit any of this within the Form R before submitting.
The Form R is in 2 parts (Part A and B) – both parts must be completed each time.
If a completed Form R is not available for the panel to review this will result in an outcome 5. Failure to submit the Form R within the additional deadline given will result in an outcome 2, 3 or 4 as appropriate (according to training progression).
How to record Time out of Training (TOOT) – Please see our guidance on how to calculate and record all types of time out of training.
An Educational Supervisor’s Report – This should include the posts you have held since the last report was submitted. This may mean that you require more than one report.
Up to date evidence of all activities since your last review – e.g. WPBAs, reflections, audit, logbook, certificates, curriculum sign-off, etc.
Whole Scope of Practice Form (if applicable). You must also declare any medical/clinical work done outside of the training placement, such as locum shifts in other hospitals, (excluding additional shifts in current Trust and specialty) and complete a Whole Scope of Practice (WSOP) form for this. This Form currently remains as a separate Word document. This Form is to be completed in addition to listing the work on the Form R. Please name clearly and upload to Personal Library or other relevant section of the ePortfolio. Guidance on what to declare is available here.
Reflective practice for any significant events in which you have been involved – if applicable. You should remember that in respect of significant events, complaints or compliments, patient identifiable information must not be included. See the COPMeD guidance for Reflective Practice.
Involvement in significant events does not necessarily mean there are fitness to practise concerns or that a revalidation recommendation cannot be made. Further information on what should be declared and when can be found on the Revalidation webpages.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary documents are submitted by the deadline set. If the evidence is not submitted by the deadline, you will receive an Outcome 5 and may subsequently receive an Outcome 2 or 3. This may delay your progress to the next year of training and lead to deferment of your Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).
Further information
If you have any queries about ARCP requirements please contact the relevant Education Programme Manager for your speciality.