The Oxford Foundation School is developing a flexible approach to swapping Foundation year 2 (F2) rotations. Under this policy, Foundation Doctors appointed from August 2024 onwards will be able to swap a whole F2 rotation with another Foundation Doctor, subject to certain guidelines.
- The swap is only available to current Foundation Year 1 doctors based within the Oxford Foundation School.
- Swaps in F1 – no swaps will be allowed within the F1 programmes.
- Individual placements cannot be swapped – only an entire F2 rotation.
- The onus is on the foundation doctor to find a willing swap partner.
- Oxford Foundation doctors must not end up with 2 community placements as a result of a swap.
- Only direct swaps between two Oxford Foundation doctors are permitted. Any rotation swaps involving more than two doctors will be automatically rejected.
- The agreed swap must be educationally balanced, (over the whole 2 years) and approved by the Foundation School.
- The foundation doctor(s) will have to demonstrate that they are making satisfactory progress in their training and that their e-portfolio is up to date.
- The request must be supported by the Educational Supervisor and Foundation Training Programme Director, during the F1 year (this may involve two Trusts and two Foundation Training Programme Director if a cross-Trust swap is requested, and both Foundation training Programme Directors must give approval)
- Only one swap within the 2 year foundation programme will be considered or allowed per trainee – multiple applications will not be accepted.
How to apply
Please read, complete and submit by the deadline to
The application window will open on Monday 24th March 2024 and close on Monday 21st April 2024
All F1s will be emailed when the applications open and the application form has been made available. Please see last year’s application form and guidance for further information.