External Scrutiny of NHSE Thames Valley QM Processes

External scrutiny of those processes comes ultimately from the GMC as regulator. However, in line with the standards set out in the GMC’s Promoting Excellence, and The GMCs Quality Assurance Process, and as well as The Gold Guide [2020], NHSE Thames Valley invites external input at key stages of specialty training and as part of NHSE Thames Valleys quality management processes from a number of sources, set out below.

Royal College and Faculty Representatives

Secondary care colleges have a presence in local NHS training providers in the form of College Tutors, Specialty or Regional Advisers. Educators from outside NHSE Thames Valley contribute to ARCPs, interview panels, and triggered visits.

Lay Representatives

Triggered Visits and Learner Educator Meetings usually require the attendance of a Lay Representative.

The purpose and role of a Lay Representative at both the Quality Committee and at a quality intervention is to provide external scrutiny on behalf of both the public and trainees. This includes ensuring that the correct processes are being followed and that there is transparency and consistency, in application of process and decision-making. This provides assurance to NHSE Executive and to the professional regulators that our quality management processes are robust.