NHSE Thames Valley Quality Committee


The Quality Committee (QC) is a multi-professional committee, and has oversight of all clinical learning environments across the Thames Valley region, encompassing non-medical, medical, dental, general practice (primary and secondary) and pharmacy training programmes. It is responsible for the quality management of the clinical learning environment and has both operational and strategic areas of responsibility.

The Quality committee (Terms of Reference) meets monthly to review the Risk Register items, review updates and consider interventions. In addition to these ‘operational’ aspects, the committee also review good practice, and more ‘strategic’ elements (such as consider wider system risks (i.e. recently considered high acute service workload and how to address this), and how the work of other groups in NHSE that affect or effected by the Quality team.

The QC provides assurance that clinical learning environments meet the standards for education and training as set by NHSE and regulatory bodies. 

The Committee meets monthly and is chaired by the NHSE Thames Valley Head of Quality. It is accountable to the NHSE Thames Valley Senior Leadership Team and to the South East Regional Director.