Quality Processes

Quality processes, as described in the NHSE Quality Framework, are carried out based on evidence and in line with the assessed level of risk.

The table below describes NHSE’s Quality Interventions

Type of Review  DescriptionPublished Report  
Urgent Risk ReviewWhy: To provide an urgent response to suspected significant concerns.
What: To focus on the quality of a clinical learning environment; usually involves face-to-face or virtual meetings with learners and supervisors (and members of an organisation’s senior team where appropriate).
Who: Senior panel members; subjects experts; external input; other input as appropriate.
Outcome: Rapid action; raise awareness of concerns, usually at the provider’s executive/board level.
Yes (from May 2021)
Programme Reviews  Why: To explore an education and training programme at a local / regional level.
What: Meeting(s) covering the whole ‘geography’ of a programme; face-to-face ‘focus group’ approach with learners (and sometimes supervisors).
Who: Small team with clinical input led by senior clinical faculty (managing potential conflicts of interest where the programme faculty is involved).
Outcome: Understanding of common concerns across multiple sites and where there are site-specific issues; allows comparison of quality across a local / regional patch.
Yes (from November 2021) (subject to review)
Learner/ Educator ReviewsWhy: To clarify concerns from learners’ and/or supervisors’ perspectives within a specific, clinical learning environment, especially if concerns may be contentious.
What: One-to-one as a ‘drop in’ clinic; group meeting(s); virtual or face-to-face.
Outcome: Engagement with learners and/or supervisors. Identifies and clarifies concerns (and good practice where appropriate)
Yes (from November 2021) (subject to review)
Senior Leader Engagement VisitsWhy:  To escalate concerns and seek senior support and engagement for resolution.
What: Engagement meeting between placement provider leads and senior NHSE education and quality leads.
Outcome: Improve Senior Leader engagement with education and training where there is evidence that this is at risk; improves relationships and educational outcomes.
Monitoring the Learning Environment What: Varies in approach but expert/specialty advice; externality and objectivity and often involves sharing best practice.  
Outcome:  Engagement with placement providers; demonstrates NHSE’s commitment to quality; improves relationships; allows for regional and local flexibility
Sharing Good Practice/ Peer ReviewWhat: Identification and dissemination of good practice via networks/events; establishing links and networks to allow providers to learn from one another. 
Outcome: Engagement with clinical placement providers; demonstrates NHSE’s commitment to quality; improves relationships.