School of Medicine

The School of Medicine is responsible for managing all aspects of Internal Medicine stage 1 (IMT programme) and specialty medical training from ST3/4 onwards in the medical specialties in the NHS England (formerly HEE) Thames Valley Region.

The Head of School is Dr John Wrightson (also the Training Programme Director for Respiratory Medicine):

The Educational Programme Manager is Carla Taylor:

The Co-Directors of Internal Medicine Training (stage 1) are Drs Chitra Ballav, Beatrix Nagyova and Nicola De Savary and each specialty has its own Training Programme Director for its trainees from ST3/4 onwards.

The School is accountable to the General Medical Council through its various Directors for ensuring that:

  • Recruitment and appointment of trainees in the medical specialties takes place according to the principles laid down by the GMC
  • Training posts in all specialties offer training of outstanding quality
  • Thorough and accurate assessment of the competencies of trainees occurs as required by the GMC and that these competencies are recorded in portfolios
  • Teaching and training follows the curricula for general internal medicine and the medical specialties as laid down by the GMC
  • Trainees in difficulty receive appropriate remedial training and other measures

Information for Academic Trainees can be found by visiting the Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School website