Trainee Advisory Committee

The Training Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed in 2010 to act as a liaison between the 2400 trainees and the senior management team in NHSE Education Thames Valley, including the Postgraduate Dean, Dr Michael Bannon.

Who sits on the TAC?

It consists of representatives from all of the specialty schools, and is led by an elected Chair and Deputy Chair.

What is the role of TAC?

The primary roles of TAC are to:

  1. Represent postgraduate Doctors in training at a Thames Valley level, including at Quality management meetings and visits; and at local office meetings with the specialty heads of school and trust directors of medical education.
  2. Act as a point of contact for postgraduate Doctors in training to report any training issues, which can be discussed with representatives from other schools and with local office representatives, if necessary.
  3. Share areas of good practice across different specialty schools across Thames Valley.
  4. Act as route of communication between the local office and postgraduate Doctors in training.

The committee hold quarterly meetings to discuss any problems that have been reported, to assist in forming an action plan to resolve them locally or to escalate them appropriately within the local office. These meetings also allow representatives to discuss how similar issues have been resolved in other trusts or specialty schools and allows a forum to identify and discuss differences in policies across different specialty schools. The meetings also act as a forum to discuss and communicate the postgraduate Doctor body perspective on relevant local office or national NHSE policies.

If you have issues that you would like to report, any areas of good practice that you wish to highlight, or if you would like to become involved with the TAC yourself, then please get in touch by either contacting your specialty schools TAC representative, or by emailing

Current Committee

Chair: Stephen Cole (Anaesthetics)

Vice Chair: Aleksandra Kriks (Anaesthetics)

LTFT Representative: Katherine Talbot and Sarah Hudson

Radiology: Rezhwan Ahmed

Anaesthetics: Hannah Catton and Aleksandra Kriks

Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Lydia Akinola

Higher Medicine: Sharath Panamoottil, Gareth Hyne,Muram El-Nayir and Stephanie Miles

Emergency Medicine: Charlotte Knowles and Vasant Mohandas

Ophthalmology: Roselin Lu

Intensive Care Medicine: Chris Acott and Sam Leafe

Neurosurgery: Will Owen

Higher Surgical Training: Ali Ansaripour

Core Surgical Training: Erfan Masiha

Histopathology: Chuer Zhang

Public Health: Louisa Chenciner

Psychiatry: Adam Whyte


Paediatrics: Christina Baithun

Foundation School: Fatma Abdulsalam, Anamay Shetty, Li Ling Choo, Henrietta Davies and Zahra Ahmed

Academic: Youssuf Saleh

Geriatrics – Victoria O’Brien

Trainee Improvement Fellows: Chris Morrell, Marta Penna, Priya Sastry (Supported Return to Training), Ashley Tomlinson, Anneliese Brady, Anna Pottinger, Mina Fares, Yessuh Teh, Dawn Wilkinson