This is a five year training programme leading to CCT in Clinical Oncology providing trainee the skills, experience and training to prepare for a Consultant career in Clinical Oncology. Entry is at ST3 after completion of two years of IMT. Training is overseen by the Royal College of Radiologists.
You will be allocated an Educational Supervisor to guide you throughout training and your progression against the Royal College of Radiologists’ Clinical Oncology curriculum will be assessed at an annual review (ARCP). You will spend a minimum of 12-18 months at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and the remainder of your training is based in the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. You will also attend clinics at District General Hospitals to prepare you for working in a range of clinical environments. It is possible to commute to both the Churchill and Royal Berkshire Hospitals from a single location, but hospital accommodation may be available at each site with advance planning.
We aim to tailor your training to your own individual needs and are flexible in terms of the order in which the tumour sites rotated through, with priority given to those close to FRCR Part 2 exams or CCT. We support out of programme time and many trainees undertake higher degrees in research. We have a number of less than full time trainees and job shares are preferred to accommodate this.
Our regional teaching programmes runs one half day per month (Wednesday afternoon) with additional monthly peer support sessions, facilitated by a psychologist, at the Churchill Hospital. Trainee representatives sit on the Specialty Training Committee and their feedback in to the training programme is strongly encouraged.
If you have any queries about the training scheme, please contact the Training Programme Director, Dr Rob Owens, Consultant Clinical Oncologist:
Training & research
Consultants in each of the centres are approachable and give on the job teaching and feedback in both outpatient and inpatient settings. You will gain experience in the management of all tumour types within the curriculum, rotating each six months. There is also flexibility for optional attachments in non-mandatory specialist sites. Training is provided in radiotherapy, including specialist techniques such as stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and body radiotherapy (SABR), brachytherapy and radioisotope therapy. You will also be trained in the use of systemic anti-cancer therapies, including immunotherapy, both as standalone treatments and in combination with radiotherapy. The first year of training is shared with Medical Oncology colleagues, with a focus on Acute Oncology.
You will be part of a shared Clinical and Medical Oncology on-call rota throughout your training, at both the Churchill and Royal Berkshire Hospitals, with a mix of resident and non-resident shifts (including resident nights at the Churchill Hospital). On call covers both radiotherapy specific workload and oncology emergency and inpatient patients. At the Churchill Hospital, you will provide expert advice and assessment of patients admitted directly from home or clinic on the Oncology Triage Assessment Unit.
There is regional teaching monthly, on a Wednesday afternoon, and each centre offers additional teaching such as challenging cases meetings, audit and journal clubs in certain tumour sites. You will also attend dedicated FRCR Part 1 teaching, currently one day a week at the ICR MSc Oncology Course in their ST3 year, with the option of attending the second year of the same course in preparation for the FRCR Part 2 exam.
Study leave to attend national and international meetings is encouraged. Opportunities will be provided for you to develop your management and leadership skills, with increasing responsibility available as trainees progress through the programme. Dedicated communication training is also provided and you are also encouraged to attend formal advanced communication skills courses.
There are numerous opportunities for research and many trainees complete higher degrees either by completing an MSc course or by taking out of programme experience in research. We have close links with the University of Oxford Departments of Oncology, Engineering, and Population Health.
Post information
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – based at the Churchill Hospital
Trainees may attend clinics at local District General Hospitals during certain rotations
Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – based at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
Trainees may attend clinics at local District General Hospitals during certain rotations
Essential courses:
Communication skills
Management skills (post FRCR Part 2)
Part 1 course
One FRCR part 2 preparation course.
Highly desirable:
Presenting at one international conference (i.e. international delegates)
Multiple other courses will be supported at the discretion of the educational supervisor and TPD, based on the individual trainee’s aspirations and career plan.