Make a Referral

Trainee Self Referral

I am a trainee in a training post within NHSETV and want help with career development or a career dilemma, support for exams, help with my wellbeing at work or coaching support on Return to Training

If you are a trainee in a Thames Valley training post or programme, you can self refer for confidential support and guidance. An initial meeting with one of our Case Management team will explore your needs and help you get to the right support at the right time. If you would like more information on the type of support we can offer, please see our One to One Support page.

Please complete this referral form. The referral form will be responded to within 5 working days.

Educator Referral For Trainee

I am an educator leading the support for a trainee in need of support within NHSETV

Educators are encouraged to refer trainees if they feel that the trainee would benefit from additional support and the educator would like to be involved in the process. It is suggested that the referral is made by the educator with the most relevant experience of the matters arising and who is taking the lead in coordinating the trainee’s support.  It is also recommended that the whole educational team is informed that the trainee is working with PSWS.

The service remains a confidential space for trainees referred by educators. However, there will be an early three way meeting, in which the educator can add further context to the referral and be involved in the goal setting process with the coach and trainee. There will also be further contacts, with content consented by the trainee, to allow the educator to add further comment if they wish.

If a trainee has failed an exam twice, it is strongly recommended that educators discuss PSWS exam support with their trainee. See more about what we offer on our Exam Support page and on our Neurodiversity page.

Please complete this referral form. The referral form will be responded to within 5 working days.

Please note, the trainee must consent to the referral and it cannot be mandated by ARCP.  

Qualified Professionals Referral

“I am a qualified healthcare professional working within the NHSETV area”

Although PSWS is fully funded for working with trainees in Thames Valley, we recognise that other healthcare professionals can also benefit from the expertise in our team. We are therefore open to referrals from other, fully qualified healthcare professionals in the Thames Valley area.

These referrals will need to be self-funded or funded by the service you work at. Please ensure that you have determined what level of funding will be available and how this will be paid in order to facilitate the smooth allocation of a suitable coach to provide the service required.

Please complete this referral form. The referral form will be responded to within 5 working days.

What happens next

Each referral will be asked to meet with one of our Case Managers to work on a collaborative understanding of the reason for accessing the PSWS. The case manager will then agree next steps with the trainee which can include signposting to services within and/or outside of PSWS. If the referral is for exam support, the trainee will be offered screening for dyslexia as part of the initial consultation.

Following this, an agreed summary of the meeting will be shared with the trainee (and Educator where relevant) and stored confidentially on the PSWS database according to IG and GDPR guidelines.

For all referrals: mental health concerns

Many healthcare practitioners will suffer from mental ill health at some point in their career. Coaching requires that the coachee is ready to make decisions and follow through on their plans towards the goals set. This is often not the case for those currently suffering from stress, depression or anxiety and so mental health support should be sought first. Colleagues are encouraged to consult their own GP in the first instance or to seek alternative help from sources such as Practitioner Health.

Supported Return to Training

Coaching is often useful for those looking to return to work after a period of ill health, or prolonged time away from training for other reasons e.g. maternity leave, OOPs. Trainees can find information about the SuppoRTT programme here, and, via completion of the pre-return form, can request access to the SuppoRTT coaching sessions.