The PSWS is pleased to be able to offer a range of events that Faculties and Trusts can book to be provided for their trainees and staff. In some cases these events are funded by PSWS, others though will require separate funding arrangements to be agreed.
Our Survive and Thrive programme for trainees has been running for three years now and has been delivered for a wide range of specialities. The programme offers a chance for participants to take time to reflect on their individual responses to stress and take away some practical ideas for how they might make small changes to improve their wellbeing.
“The whole day was useful. Great to know I am not the only junior doctor who has the concerns, thoughts and worries that we discussed. It was a pleasant change to be in an environment where any complaints or observations weren’t seen as professional weakness – it is sometimes tiring being viewed as a competent junior doctor because you feel as though you cannot complain.”
“A well planned and structured day. It was nicely engaging, but not the point where you had to contribute if you didn’t want to. Everyone was friendly and considerate. I felt I learned a lot and I have taken a lot of tools away to use in times of need from the day. I would definitely recommend this day to my colleagues.”
Café coaching offers the opportunity to develop an understanding of coaching and experience a short coaching sessions for yourself. With a team of experienced coaches you have the opportunity to be coached on a topic or problem of your choosing and to feel the sense of empowerment that eve a brief coaching intervention can create.
We can also offer standalone workshops for Educators and Trainees to start the conversation around wellbeing and support. This workshop explains the support that the PSWS can offer and signposts to other resources that might also be helpful.

Survive & Thrive Wellbeing Events
Shortlisted for the Association for Business Psychology’s Workforce Experience Awards 2020 (for Excellence in Health and Wellbeing)
Our nationally recognised Survive and Thrive Wellbeing Programme is targeted at trainee doctors, dentists and pharmacists in training, complementing existing local NHS Employer interventions for a healthy workplace and learner environment. It is unique both in its experiential aspect, and level of expertise employed in its delivery, using small group teaching principles.
Video- Hear Dr Haido Vlachos and Dr Sara Macdouall talk more about why the programme was established
Programme delivery works best face to face although adjustments can be made for online delivery. We can work with a group of 40 maximum face to face, but prefer lower numbers for online delivery. The programme works best if members of the group have some experience of the workplace in common e.g. same big department in a trust/same regional teaching programme.
How to access this
Ask your programme organisers (trainee committee leads/TPDs/Head of School) to include this as part of your academic days.
Email to enquire further, or ask your programme organisers to complete our new SAT Expression of Interest Form
Programme Content:
This is a whole day programme. In the morning, there are sessions on exploration of individual attributes, responses to stress, asking for help, and facilitated discussion around vulnerability as strength. The afternoon session explores how to survive and thrive in challenging work environments using CBT techniques, through practical experiential workshops delivered by psychologists from the Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre.
What do attendees say?
Representative examples of Trainee feedback (80% response rate):
“I just wanted to write and thank you for arranging the survive and thrive day-I found it really interesting and useful and has given me lots to reflect on. I hope you are able to roll it out to other specialties, I would definitely recommend it.”
“Good that these issues are openly being talked about. Will help change culture.”
“I found the whole day useful. I was initially apprehensive about the [CBT] workshop but I actually found these the most useful.”
From a Trainer who attended with trainees – “It was so good to ‘bond ‘as a team yesterday and think about the humane side of our personalities whilst we continue our hectic working lives. Hope the Deanery are able to support future sessions for trainees and educators.”
We look forward to being able to provide this for your training programmes.
Café Coaching
Take time to think – Café coaching events
Invite our team of experienced coaches to run a two-hour ‘café-coaching’ event at your conference or training day. An opportunity to find out more about coaching and experience the impact of a 10-15 minute ‘coaching on the run’ session. Integrate with the theme of your day – popular choices focus on wellbeing and leadership development – or as a stand-alone. We welcome enquiries from educators and doctors, dentists and pharmacists in training.
Please click here for more information on this.
Please note that for trainer only events there will be a cost involved.
Contact for further enquiries and to book this.
Faculty/ Trainee Outreach Sessions
The PSWS is often invited to speak at Educator and Trainee events to promote the service we offer and prompt a discussion around trainee support and wellbeing. This workshop is usually one hour in length and can potentially be delivered virtually or face to face, though this does depend on the availability of presenting faculty. The workshop itself will include an explanation of the PSWS services and also signpost to other useful resources and support.
If you would be interested in booking this workshop for an event you are organising, please complete the form here.