Re-orientation and Supernumerary days

In order to provide more support to returning postgraduate Doctors, we are offering all returners three ‘re-orientation’ days, allowing postgraduate Doctors to be supernumerary, with no nights or on-calls, for three full days whilst they readjust to being back in a training/working environment.  The intention is that these three days will be scheduled immediately prior to a trainee returning to their training programme. This period could include activities such as shadowing a colleague; attending departmental meetings; familiarising themselves with departmental processes/protocols.

This is being offered to all postgraduate Doctors in training, with an opt-out being available following discussion with the relevant ES/TPD if it is felt it is not required (e.g. Doctor has been OOPR but has maintained their clinical skills via locum shifts and attending courses etc).  Those opting out must state this on their pre-return to work forms, specifying how they have kept up-to-date, and ensuring it is signed off by their ES/TPD.  Completing the pre-return forms submitting them to us will enable us to see who is taking up the offer and arrange the transfer of funds accordingly.  Without the pre-return form, we cannot provide funding.

We understand that the experiences and needs of each individual are different, and so if you feel that three days is not sufficient, please discuss this with your ES during your pre-return interview. Indicate clearly on the form what you feel you require to support you in your return, thinking about your confidence and any perceived skill loss. We will look at all requests individually and let you know when or if we can authorise the funding. Email if you have any questions.

Please locate the form on the Documents page. Please be aware that supernumerary days up to two weeks may count towards training unless there are exceptional circumstances. Those who wish to have a longer supernumerary period should discuss this with their TPD and Head of School, alongside the Associate Dean for SuppoRTT.