Acting Up as Consultant (AUC)

A doctor in training can apply to take time out of programme and credit the time towards CCT/CESR(CP) through acting up as a Consultant (AUC) – as long as it is permitted in the relevant speciality curriculum.

Taking up a LOCUM consultant post whilst holding a training number is not permitted as this post WILL NOT count towards training as you will be deemed to be practising without any supervision.

Doctors wishing to complete Acting Up posts outside of NHSE Thames Valley will need to seek confirmation from their College on behalf of the GMC that the time will count towards training before applying.

Where the Acting Up (AUC) is in the same training programme, then prospective approval is not needed from the GMC. If it is in a different training programme then college approval is required.

The application form is the same as the OOP application form.